US College
Application Support
Helping students achieve their US university aspirations including Ivy League, Stanford, and MIT
Rates vary by tutor experience and qualificationsFrom ¥1,000/Hour
Elite Tutors and Admissions Counselors
We provide online tutoring to support students applying to US universities, including Ivy League, Stanford, MIT, UC schools and many more. We match students with a highly selective group of accomplished former admissions officers, advisors, and tutors.
We help with all aspects of the applications, including university selection, SAT/ACT/AP test prep, extracurricular mentoring, college essay writing, and interview preparation.
Complete US Application Support
Lesson 21h 30m
SAT/ACT/AP Test Preparation
- Our tutors teach applicants the subject material required for their particular admissions test
- They instruct applicants in the necessary exam techniques to perform to the best of their abilities
- Past papers are covered to familiarise students with the test
Personal StatementOf The Applicant
College Selection and Application/Essay Support
- The applicant can write their personal statement under the supervision of a tutor
- The tutor will suggest further reading which the student can mention in their statement
- The structure and content of the personal statement will be reviewed by the tutor before being submitted
Interview Preparation
Extracurricular Mentoring and Interview Preparation
- The applicant is taught how to effectively answer questions and communicate well in an interview
- The applicant and tutor will run through a bank of past and potential interview questions
- Mock interviews are given to simulate the real conditions of an interview
Tutor Spotlight
Our tutors have all studied at top US universities including Ivy League, MIT, and Stanford, and have extensive tutoring experience. We'll find the perfect tutor for you based on your requirements!
Qualified Teacher | Former Admissions Officer | MS Journalism and Communications
Teaches:SATACTUS Admissions
Qualified Teacher | Harvard MA Human Development and Education
MIT - MSc Economics and Data Science
Teaches:StatisticsEconomicsEFLBusiness StudiesSAT+ 5 others

Our academic consultants will find the perfect tutor for you!
Looking for something specific? Get in touch with us now and we'll find the best tutor for you.

Interactive Tutoring Platform
Engaging Lessons with our Platform
`Lessons are brought to life and students can interact with tutors by drawing diagrams, solving equations, editing essays, and annotating work.`
Rated 4.93/5 based on 486 reviews
Trusted globally by students and parents

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