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IB DP Chemistry Questions

4.3 Covalent Structures

Question 1

Which of the following substances has a network of covalently bonded atoms?

A. H2O

B. CO2

C. Diamond

D. Methane (CH4)

Question 2

Which substance is expected to have the lowest melting point due to weak intermolecular forces?

A. Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

B. Diamond

C. CO2

D. Graphite

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT a property of substances with a network of covalently bonded atoms?

A. High electrical conductivity

B. High melting point

C. High boiling point

D. Hardness

Question 4

Which of the following substances is a molecular solid with weak intermolecular forces?

A. Graphite

B. Silicon dioxide (SiO2)

C. H2O

D. Diamond

Question 5

Which substance has layers of covalently bonded atoms that can slide over each other?

A. Diamond

B. CO2

C. Graphite

D. H2O

Question 6

a) Describe the properties of molecules that exhibit weak intermolecular forces. [2]

b) Explain why substances with weak intermolecular forces, such as H2O and CO2, have low melting and boiling points. [3]

Question 7

a) What is meant by a "network of covalently bonded atoms"? [2]

b) Using diamond as an example, explain how its covalent structure contributes to its high melting and boiling points. [3]

Question 8

a) Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is another example of a substance with a network covalent structure. Describe the arrangement of atoms in silicon dioxide. [2]

b) How does the structure of silicon dioxide compare to that of graphite in terms of their melting and boiling points? [3]

Question 9

a) Why are substances like diamond and graphite, which are both forms of carbon, considered to have network covalent structures? [2]

b) Compare the electrical conductivity of diamond and graphite. Provide a reason for the observed difference. [3]

c) Which of the two, diamond or graphite, is harder and why? [2]

Question 10

a) Explain the term "intermolecular forces". [2]

b) How do intermolecular forces affect the physical properties of a substance, such as its boiling point? [3]

c) Why does H2O have a higher boiling point than CO2, even though both have weak intermolecular forces? [3]


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