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IB DP Chemistry Questions

20.1 Isomerism

Question 1

Which type of isomerism results from a difference in the arrangement of atoms along the carbon skeleton?

A. Chain Isomerism

B. Geometric Isomerism

C. Optical Isomerism

D. Functional Group Isomerism

Question 2

Which of the following is NOT a type of structural isomerism?

A. Position Isomerism

B. Functional Group Isomerism

C. Cis-Trans Isomerism

D. Chain Isomerism

Question 3

In which type of isomerism do compounds have the same molecular formula but different functional groups?

A. Chain Isomerism

B. Position Isomerism

C. Functional Group Isomerism

D. Optical Isomerism

Question 4

Which type of isomerism results from the presence of a chiral centre in a molecule?

A. Chain Isomerism

B. Geometric Isomerism

C. Optical Isomerism

D. Position Isomerism

Question 5

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of optical isomers?

A. They rotate plane-polarised light.

B. They have the same physical properties.

C. They have different arrangements around a double bond.

D. They are non-superimposable mirror images.

Question 6

a) Define chain isomerism and provide an example of an organic compound that exhibits this type of isomerism. [2]

b) Explain the significance of chain isomerism in organic reactions, particularly in the context of reactivity and boiling points. [3]

Question 7

a) Describe geometric (cis-trans) isomerism and illustrate with an example. [2]

b) Why is geometric isomerism important in drug design and biological activity? [3]

Question 8

a) Define optical isomerism and explain the concept of a chiral centre. [2]

b) Why is optical isomerism significant in biochemistry and medicine? [3]

Question 9

a) Differentiate between functional group isomerism and position isomerism with the help of an example for each. [3]

b) Given the molecular formula C4H8O, provide an example of a compound that exhibits functional group isomerism. [2]

c) How does the difference in the functional group affect the chemical properties of the isomers? [2]

Question 10

a) What is meant by chain isomerism? Provide an example using a six-carbon alkane. [2]

b) Describe the concept of geometric isomerism using an example of a four-carbon alkene. [3]

c) How does the presence of a chiral centre lead to optical isomerism? [2]


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