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IB DP Chemistry Questions

14.2 Hybridization

Question 1

Which type of hybridisation results in a linear molecular geometry?

A. sp

B. sp2

C. sp3

D. d2sp3

Question 2

In the molecule of methane (CH4), the carbon atom undergoes:

A. sp hybridisation

B. sp2 hybridization

C. sp3 hybridization

D. d2sp3 hybridization

Question 3

Which of the following molecules has a trigonal planar shape due to hybridisation?

A. BeCl2

B. BF3

C. CH4

D. PCl5

Question 4

The bond angles in a molecule with sp2 hybridisation are:

A. 90°

B. 109.5°

C. 120°

D. 180°

Question 5

Which molecule does NOT exhibit sp3 hybridisation?

A. CH4

B. NH3

C. H2O

D. CO2

Question 6

a) Explain the process of hybridisation and its significance in the formation of covalent bonds. [3]

b) Differentiate between sp, sp2, and sp3 hybridisation in terms of the number of atomic orbitals involved and the resulting molecular geometry. [3]

Question 7

a) Describe the bond angles and molecular shapes associated with sp2 and sp3 hybridised molecules. [3]

b) Why is hybridisation important in explaining the shapes of molecules? [2]

Question 8

a) What is the significance of pi (π) bonds in terms of electron distribution and molecular structure? [3]

b) Given a molecule with a triple bond, explain the types of bonds (sigma and pi) present and their formation. [3]

Question 9

a) Explain the concept of formal charge and its significance in determining the most stable Lewis structure for a molecule. [3]

b) For the molecule CO3^2-, calculate the formal charge on the central carbon atom. [2]

c) How does the concept of resonance relate to the carbonate ion (CO3^2-)? [3]

Question 10

a) Describe the difference between sigma (σ) and pi (π) bonds in terms of their formation and electron distribution. [3]

b) In ethene (C2H4), how many sigma and pi bonds are present? [2]

c) Explain why rotation around a pi bond is restricted, using ethene as an example. [3]


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