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Cambridge University - MMath Mathematics

Hi, I am Ashesh and graduated from the University of Cambridge with a BA Mathematical Tripos last 2022. I have been providing tuition for over 3 years now with different tutoring styles for all levels of Maths and Further Maths. I would also love to help you with admissions such as STEP.

Teaches:MathsCalculusFurther MathsSTEP


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Cambridge University:MMath Mathematics/BA Mathematical Tripos (2022)

Admissions:Qualified Online Tutor (STEP i, STEP ii and STEP iii)

A-Level:Qualified Online Tutor (Mathematics, Calculus and Further Mathematics)

GCSE/IGCSE:Qualified Online Tutor (Mathematics and Further Mathematics)

Vetted Tutor

Personally Interviewed

Our tutors go through a rigorous selection process, having been interviewed to assess their teaching skills and subject knowledge. They have extensive tutoring experience with a track record of success, helping students achieve their academic goals.

Tutoring Experience

In sixth form, I tutored people in my year and the year below privately, mainly during year 13, and the summer after (preceding university). Outside of this, I also helped throughout both my years at the weekly workshop, which helped A-level maths students one-on-one.

Throughout university, I held some online sessions for students in order to help them prepare for interviews or admissions tests such as the MAT. After my undergraduate degree, I had to defer a year (22-23 academic year) for medical reasons, but having recovered I have since gone on to help in-person at extension maths classes at my old sixth form, Peter Symonds College, where the primary focus is preparation for the STEP examinations.

Most of my interests align directly with my interest in maths, and so I am always happy to discuss anything related to this.

Along with this, I am very interested in sports such as basketball and baseball, and also with analytics-based performance evaluation within these sports, so I would be more than happy to discuss this sort of application of mathematics with students.

I am currently assisting and leading sessions for extension maths in my old sixth form this term (2023 Spring), and during sixth form, I tutored people privately in A-level maths, alongside helping people one-on-one at the weekly sessions, which was attended by A-level mathematics students seeking help with homework and understanding material.

At the end of my studies there, I achieved A stars in Mathematics and Further Mathematics, and S (the highest grade awarded) in all three STEP exams (the Cambridge entrance exam).

In sixth form, I also was part of the UKMT mentoring program, and in this field, I achieved full marks in the Senior Mathematics Challenge, Distinction (twice) at BMO1, Merit at BMO2 - I thus have experience in these competitions, and am able to teach the content and approach to problem solving well. This also carries to the A-level, wherein I have learned the reason for many techniques/proofs in the curriculum as part of practicing my problem solving.

Being a mathematician by degree, in the future I plan to enter teaching in some form of higher mathematics, or academia within maths. Getting ready for this, I have come across many interesting mathematical concepts accessible to A-level students, and hence I would be able to teach numerous advanced topics within A-level. Within maths, I specialise in "pure maths", which encompasses most of core mathematics A-level.

In university, I have given seminars about various courses in the Mathematical Tripos.

Tutoring Approach

There are generally three distinct styles that I use whilst teaching, depending on the aim of the tutee. The aims are usually one of:

1) Improving their grade at Maths/Further
2) Improving their maths for university STEM courses
3) Adapting to higher level maths for uni admissions.

In all three, I believe that wokred examples are key and feature heavily in my teaching. In a given session there will usually be commentary over a presentation (share-screened), and a whiteboard that the student can see (or also use, if they have the resources to), and we will begin with me introducing the topic on the presentation, then going through an example with them.

In this, I will go through one or two more examples with them, before asking if they are ready to attempt an example themselves. In this, I will guide them along the example, and we will also go through any relevant material as necessary. With this, I will set work for the next week (for exams, routine practice is a must), which I will talk about at the beginning of the next session.

Here, I will also encourage them to explore related areas by guiding them to discover any related theory based on the topic; this time, I will ask them to do a few examples, where I give less help each successive time, and also ask them to critically analyse what they did on the last round. Again, I will set work for the week after, as before.

In this, mathematical innovation and curiosity are a must; to prepare for STEP, etc, I will suggest to them an extension of the topic and guide them to expand upon it, helping them build the habit of noticing certain things (certain factorisations, reductions of problems). We will go through a few worked past paper questions (the number depending on the exam), and then I will set some work, which will be past questions from the test.

In all three scenarios, I will also provide worked solutions to problems that the tutees ask for. A collection of these for STEP is available on my website, abmaths.co.uk. In these, I write my solutions as I solve the problem, so the tutees can see me thought process.

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