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How do you convert 0.25 to a percentage?

To convert 0.25 to a percentage, multiply by 100 and add the percentage symbol.

When converting a decimal to a percentage, you essentially want to find out how many parts out of 100 the decimal represents. To do this, you multiply the decimal by 100. For example, with 0.25, you perform the calculation 0.25 × 100. This equals 25. Therefore, 0.25 as a percentage is 25%.

Another way to think about it is to move the decimal point two places to the right. Starting with 0.25, moving the decimal point two places to the right gives you 25.0. You then add the percentage symbol (%) to indicate that it is a percentage. So, 0.25 becomes 25%.

Understanding this process is important because percentages are a common way to express proportions and comparisons in everyday life, such as in discounts, statistics, and grades. By mastering this simple conversion, you can easily interpret and communicate numerical information in a more familiar format.

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